“I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God.” Exodus 20:5
What are you trying to prove? Whose attention do you want to get? If it’s anybody’s but God’s, then look out. He’s a jealous God. Yes, jealous. That means you belong to Him, and it makes Him jealous when you act like you belong to someone else. You try so hard to impress people and worry about how you will be accepted. And God is jealous. “If only you spent that much time trying to impress Me,” he whispers. You’re too busy trying to impress someone else. Be it that you are trying to learn the right moves, have the right brand and style of clothing, etc. What can you do to impress God? What can you do to keep Him from getting jealous? Do you go places without Him? Use His name in vain? Forget you belong to Him? Don’t make God jealous.

My God has been a jealous God. Ever since my husband and I felt the call to Barnwell, SC I have been searching for that job replacement for the job that I had quit for the move. God provided for EVERY need we had in the move. I am a true believer that "where God guides, He provides".
First, God closed every door we tried to open to buy a house in Greenville and put down roots. He was not only telling us He had somewhere else He wanted us to do His will, He also was saving us the trouble of selling a house in this terrible seller's market.
Second, Ryan was a part-time minister and had a second secular job. He was layed off from that job and could only find a job at WalMart that would let him continue his ministerial duties on Sundays, summers, etc.
Third, God started making it clear that He was working on something BIG in our lives. Many ways, but mainly in our daily devotions, prayer, etc.
Next, in meeting with the students at DNow weekend and meeting with the search committee we felt a strong pull. We left the DNOW weekend reluctantly. We wanted to move right then!
God provided in even more ways as well. We were released from the contract with our gym because there's not one within 30 miles from the new residence. The church provided a place to live (we didn't have to house shop or find an apartment). The church helped with moving expenses, providing people the day we moved in to help move us in! We were welcomed with open arms (our first night in the parsonage the young married couples sunday school class went to see Fireproof! We had a blast!) Also the church had a pantry pounding! God has truly blessed us by providing for every need.
But the job never came. And as the months went by I started completely focusing on FINDING the job rather than thanking God for all He had provided. Now, trust me God is a jealous God! It wasn't until recently that I started really focusing on how God had blessed me that I received two job interviews. For the same job. In the same day!
Now, I'm not sure yet how those job interviews turned out, but I have no doubt in my mind that the reason I was not getting interviews was because God wanted me to get my focus right.
Sometimes God holds back on things that are really good for us because we aren't ready for them yet. Spiritually, emotionally, or physically. I know I wasn't ready spirityally for a job. Not working I had plenty of time I had no excuse for a misguided focus. With a job, there was no way I would have gotten my focus right. I had to do it BEFORE the blessings came my way.
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