Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Nursery is Coming Together

No, we are not setting up the nursery yet...we plan on doing that with the help of my parents and his for Thanksgiving this year. We have picked out a theme of Winnie the Pooh. My best friend and I loved Winnie the Pooh ever since we were kids! We had nicknames for the three of us. We had a Tiger, Robyn, Pooh, and Piglet in the group. So much of my childhood through teenage years had Winnie the Pooh in it.

We have a crib - pictured above - without this bedding. We painted it white (you can see in the picture with the Winnie the Pooh stuff). A sealy mattress! We also have a basinet. Not pictured because my mother is working on turning her wedding dress into a basinet skirt. She is also making pink and blue ribbons so that depending on what this one is...and what we have in future pregnancies.... we can use the same furniture.

1 comment:

A. R. Campbell said...

How amazing is it that your mother is making her wedding dress into something for your baby? That's just precious! I love Winnie the Pooh, too. So cute!