Sunday, November 15, 2009
A Year Ago
A year ago I lost my papa. I think that is the method of this madness right now. It is a hard time, especially since Veteran's Day was HIS holiday. He always had special events planned at various schools that day. Man, I do miss my Papa!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Life after the Flood...
Most of the people at the time lived to be between 800-900 years of age. The oldest, Methuselah, lived to be 969 years old. He might have been the oldest, yet he died before his father, Enoch, who walked with God and never died.
God became angry at the people for their immorality. He said in Genesis 6:3 that he would no longer let them live to be so old. They would have greater mortality and would live a normal life span no greater of 120 years of age.
That being said, one of my students likes to try and disprove the Bible. He tried to start a controversy about in the Guiness Book of World Records a person has lived to be 123 years old. First, the Bible says "NORMAL" life span. Second, the Guiness Book of World Records goes on to say that the average life span is 65 years of age and that only one person in 2.1 billion people will see the age of 115 years. If the oldest someone lives is 123 years on this earth since the Flood, then that is far enough away from 900 for me to completely believe there is no contradiction. The Bible also says 120 years and 123 is not that far off from that comparitively with the ages before the Flood.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Losing Souls for Christ...
We lied to them that as long as they are good... and we have done the same with what God says to do...I have started to rethink my theology on raising children. One day soon, I hope to be a mother myself. Will I tell them these fictional characters are real and just hope they can tell the difference between lying to them and telling them about the one true God? I don't know...
If my not telling my children things are real when they aren't will make them one step closer to believing in God, then I am willing to give up that "joy" of a few seconds on Christmas morning for the greater JOY of having my son or daughter in the Kingdom of God!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
The Bible in 90 Days

One of the guys that I went to college with (well he graduated three years before me) is a pastor at Elevation Church in Charlotte, NC. I found him on Twitter the other day and his blog for his church.
Well today I checked twitter for the first time in a few days and he posted this link:
It is an intense bible read through where you read the entire bible in 90 days. I am a day behind, but I have decided to commit myself to this study. It will be difficult to find the time to read some of the lengthy sections, I know.
First, it will be a great opportunity to help me prepare for teaching Bible History this coming school year. Second, it will be a good spiritual journey of growth and learning about my God and his revelation for mankind.
Today's Reading is Genesis 1:1 - 16:16.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Are We There Yet?

All of us have felt impatient about something or other during the course of life. For many of us it was that long cross-country road trip with the family. For others it was graduating from high school or college. Some of us are still in the midst of the wait.
How man of us, if we are honest, have had that attitude towards our walk with God? We get so frustrated at ourselves that our spiritual walk isn't where we want it to be.
You are not alone. Even Paul struggled with not being where he wanted to in his spiritual walk. In Romans 7:18-19 he says "And I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. I want to do what is right, but I can’t. I want to do what is good, but I don’t. I don’t want to do what is wrong, but I do it anyway. "
Look at your spiritual walk as a journey. A journey takes time. It is not like Star Trek where we can say "Beam me up Scotty" and be where we want to be when we want to be there. It is a journey and takes time.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Only Through His Presence
I have always wanted to teach; however, after college I had to get the first job I came to and, since I was already working in the medical field, I accepted a job with an eye doctor. Then, off to Resurgent working in bankruptcy. None of these jobs were my "dream job" but they were each a blessing. I met many great people I still keep in contact with today, and I got some experience opening up to people and working with software that required training.
God then moved my husband and I to this small little town in which we now live. I love the small town pace after living in Greenville, SC for so long. The worst traffic is right after a football or softball game! We moved back in October 2008. I applied to be a substitute teacher. I was accepted to the list, but never called in because the teachers did not know me that well. Then, a man at my church offered me a job with his company as an office manager. I worked there from Nov 2008 until March 2008. Then his wife retired and started working for him. I helped fill-in every now and then when they went on vacation or had an appointment. His wife went back to work the first of July. I was offered my teaching position the end of June!
God has been so wonderful to me and my husband. On paper, we should not have been able to pay our bills. We SHOULD be ten or fifteen thousand dollars in debt! But God has provided every minute! This wonderful church family filled our pantry with tons of items! We have yet to have to buy paper towels or laundry detergent because of these wonderful people we have come to see as our family! Back in February, we had our marriage retreat for the church. Ryan and I were going to be forced to eat in our room every night. And the gasoline money was going to be put on a credit card. But the Sunday before Ryan and I received a card from a church member with enough money for gasoline and one meal (not expensive meal but not the dollar menu either) out to eat.
God has provided for us every step of the way. Even when I would sometimes get frantic over how things were going to get paid, etc.
I am doing a 40 day Bible study and the lesson on day one was short but so intense. It was talking about how so many people use Phil. 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" as their life verse. The reason Susan Sealy claims is because "we understand from the very beginning that it is by God's strength, his very presence in our lives, that we accomplish anything."
I would not be where I am today or who I am today without God's very presence in my life. He is the only reason I am where I am today. His call on my husband and I to serve at this church far away from family and old friends we came to rely on so well. It was not until this move away from all that we knew and held familiar that we truly had to rely on only Him for our every need.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Creation has a Purpose
I have been reading in Genesis a lot recently. Anyone who has seen my Bible know I write a lot in it. And Genesis, well it is hard to actually figure out where one note begins and the other ends right now. It just means I'll start a new book to study. Eventually, it means I have to go buy another Bible.
When I study a specific book, I do some googling of different stories and see what comes up. When I googled Eve, I got a lot of arguing from people over who was at fault for the first sin. I think when your mind goes there after reading the story of Eve, you have lost point of what God intended to bring about.
First, Genesis 1 shows that it took both Adam, the man, and Eve, the woman to reflect the image of God. Adam and Eve are so alike to be perfect compainions but yet so different as well. The nature of the woman and man both are needed for us to reflect God.
Second, Eve's story reflects our human nature of falling into sin, and the process of picking up the pieces afterwards through our faith in Him. By looking at the story of both Adam & Eve together, we can see an example of how we can still follow God after we fail. God forgives us and picks us back up even through the consequences of our sin.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
How Long, O Lord
First, this is my favorite book of the Old Testament. Each time I read it, something new jumps out at me. These specific verses lay out my feelings right now. I've become so closed minded lately from praying about certain things so much I just don't see what is going on around me.
Violence! It is all around us. Turn on CNN if you doubt me. And not just physical violence in our War on Terrorism. The White House is in a political war. As Christians, we have given up our country to the hands of the wicked and spiritually lost. Those making big decisions now rely on bribes and what is good for them rather than praying and seeking God's guidance like our forefathers did.
I've been a little too concentrated on praying for some personal things that I have not even begun to pray for the state of our country and the leaders we, the people, have put in charge. And yes, even if we voted for someone else we did allow them to take charge of our country. And we allowed them to dictate when and where we can pray aloud. Not in a school or any other government owned property and now its even come down to restaurants in certain liberal states and cities (I need not name them) are asking people not to pray allowed for fear of "offending" someone. Personally, I think Christians should stand up and show them they are offending someone.... US!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
A Jealous God
“I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God.” Exodus 20:5
What are you trying to prove? Whose attention do you want to get? If it’s anybody’s but God’s, then look out. He’s a jealous God. Yes, jealous. That means you belong to Him, and it makes Him jealous when you act like you belong to someone else. You try so hard to impress people and worry about how you will be accepted. And God is jealous. “If only you spent that much time trying to impress Me,” he whispers. You’re too busy trying to impress someone else. Be it that you are trying to learn the right moves, have the right brand and style of clothing, etc. What can you do to impress God? What can you do to keep Him from getting jealous? Do you go places without Him? Use His name in vain? Forget you belong to Him? Don’t make God jealous.

My God has been a jealous God. Ever since my husband and I felt the call to Barnwell, SC I have been searching for that job replacement for the job that I had quit for the move. God provided for EVERY need we had in the move. I am a true believer that "where God guides, He provides".
First, God closed every door we tried to open to buy a house in Greenville and put down roots. He was not only telling us He had somewhere else He wanted us to do His will, He also was saving us the trouble of selling a house in this terrible seller's market.
Second, Ryan was a part-time minister and had a second secular job. He was layed off from that job and could only find a job at WalMart that would let him continue his ministerial duties on Sundays, summers, etc.
Third, God started making it clear that He was working on something BIG in our lives. Many ways, but mainly in our daily devotions, prayer, etc.
Next, in meeting with the students at DNow weekend and meeting with the search committee we felt a strong pull. We left the DNOW weekend reluctantly. We wanted to move right then!
God provided in even more ways as well. We were released from the contract with our gym because there's not one within 30 miles from the new residence. The church provided a place to live (we didn't have to house shop or find an apartment). The church helped with moving expenses, providing people the day we moved in to help move us in! We were welcomed with open arms (our first night in the parsonage the young married couples sunday school class went to see Fireproof! We had a blast!) Also the church had a pantry pounding! God has truly blessed us by providing for every need.
But the job never came. And as the months went by I started completely focusing on FINDING the job rather than thanking God for all He had provided. Now, trust me God is a jealous God! It wasn't until recently that I started really focusing on how God had blessed me that I received two job interviews. For the same job. In the same day!
Now, I'm not sure yet how those job interviews turned out, but I have no doubt in my mind that the reason I was not getting interviews was because God wanted me to get my focus right.
Sometimes God holds back on things that are really good for us because we aren't ready for them yet. Spiritually, emotionally, or physically. I know I wasn't ready spirityally for a job. Not working I had plenty of time I had no excuse for a misguided focus. With a job, there was no way I would have gotten my focus right. I had to do it BEFORE the blessings came my way.