Monday, November 1, 2010

There is a Time for Everything

Ecclesiastes 3:1 "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens"

God's timing is always better than our timing. That is a lesson that has been permeating through everything lately. We weren't planning on having a baby anytime soon. According to us, we couldn't afford a baby. I wanted to finish my Master's Degree first (graduation is Nov 2011). I wanted to save up a good nestegg first (we lost a lot of it back in Spring of 2008). We wanted to have five years together (we will have been married 4 in Dec 2010) before children. You see, the things that kept us from "being prepared" in our eyes were our own desires and wants. I wouldn't trade this baby boy for any of the above wants and desires. God truly knows our hearts and knows what is best for us.

For those of you who are waiting on Mr. Right. Focus on God and being happy and content with him. Thats what I did. In no way did I want to date in high school. I went on a date (prom, etc.) but it was just for fun and with guy friends. The probability that you will marry your high school sweetheart is slim to none. Don't get me wrong, there are people who do. But I went to college expecting to get my degree, then find a husband. I wasn't going for my MRS degree. What happened? God had the perfect man for me waiting on the corner of the street to help me move into my dorm. First he was my best friend. Now he is my husband and father of my baby boy. Keep God first. And remember His timing is always better than our own.

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