Day 1 of B90X was reading Genesis 1:1 - 16:16. It took about an hour and a half, with me taking some notes. God has opened my eyes to scripture that I never knew existed! I have read through Genesis many times; however, I never saw these words until now.
In Genesis 1:11, God said 'Let the land sproud with vegetation - every sort of seed-bearing plant, and trees that grow seed-bearing fruit. These seeds will then produce the kinds of plants and trees from which they came.' How many times have I read that? Taking is metaphorically, God made us to produce what we are. If we are bad, we produce bad fruit. If we are focused on Christ and his goodness, we will produce good fruits. We can't produce that which we are not.
In Genesis 8:21b God said "I will never again curse the ground because of the human race, even though everything they think or imagine is bent toward evil from childhood." I know that this theme is present throughout scripture. I just didn't know this was what God said when he gave the first rainbow.
When I think of famous battles in the Bible, I think of David and Goliath or Joshua and Jericho. I don't normally think of Abram (Abraham) and 318 of his men. Genesis 14 talks about a great king who destroyed many kingdoms and eventually defeated and looted Sodom, taking Lot and all of his treasures with them. When Abram heard of this, he gathered 318 of his men and took off after his nephew, Lot. Abram and his men not only destroyed this great army, taking back the possessions and people looted from the cities. He also made the remaining army flee for their lives! How great our God is that with 318 men, he defeated a great army.

Day 2 Readings: Genesis 17:1 - Genesis 28:19
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