My little man will be here in February. Ryan and I are very excited. On the ultra sounds I have had, he has been doing flips. I looked at Ryan and said, "He is going to be just like his father." And if he is, I am going to be so proud of him. If he is not, Iwill love him just the same.
I feel that is how God viewed Isaac and Abraham. Twice Abraham did not trust that God would protect him and his wife. Twice Abraham told kings that Sarah was his sister and not his wife. With Abraham, it was just a half-truth. Sarah and Abraham had the same father but different mothers. Both times, God interferred and did not let anything happen to Sarah. He protected Abraham and Sarah's marriage.
In Genesis 26, Isaac and Rebekah returned to King Abimelech. This is the same king that his father Abraham deceived in Genesis 20. Isaac tells the king that Rebekah is his sister and not his wife. This wasn't even a half-truth for Isaac and Rebekah. It was an outright lie. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. King Abimelech was no fool. He watched Isaac and Rebekah and saw Isaac treating Rebekah as a wife, not a sister.
How many times must God provide for them for them to get it? God provided a wife for Isaac. God protected Abraham and Sarah in foreign lands. Yet, they continued to lie and deceive to "keep safe." They feared they would be killed over the beauty of their wives.

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