I will return to my senior seminar class for a few minutes today. I have been reading through one of the books about Infinity. Our class attempted to write a paper and publish it stating that Cantor, Zeno, and others were wrong about infinity. The runner's paradox, for one, where if a runner starts out at point 0 and tries to get to point 1 and only travels half the distance between the two points each time, he will never reach his destination. In other words he travels halfway the first time and reaches 1/2. He travels half of the remaining distance the next time and gets to 1/2 + 1/4. The next 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8, etc. But in reality there comes a point where the fraction is so close it doesn't matter. They were leaning towards the beginning of the calculus concept of limits; however, Calculus just had not been discovered yet.
Now I will take this to another level. God is infinite. He has no beginning and no end. Mathematics was created by man to symbolize and give some standard to reality. Does infinity have any real concept in our world? Like the runner, who will indeed reach the point of destination in reality. Or is our view on infinity in mathematic and logical senses just a way of referencing how big God and his creation is? Can I minds just not comprehend it or are we taking some concept of how God has no beginning or end and trying to put Heavenly aspects and concepts into worldly and earthly theories that just cannot co-exist?
Ok. So thats my ramble for today. I know it probably goes over some of your heads. But it should. I believe there are many things God has hidden from us because it is just too big and too great for us to comprehend. Possibly why every mathematician who has ever spent their life working on solving infinity has ended up in a mental institution!
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